Dear All,
Welcome to the latest instalment of FoBS news!
FoBS Spending - Thanks to all of you who took the time to vote in our recent poll. The top two suggestions (with 49 votes each) were the sandpit for use in athletics and the Dance/Drama workshop for the whole school. Mr Whishaw and Mrs Adams are currently researching both projects and will feed back to a future FoBS meeting, so watch this space for further news!
New Treasurers - Our fabulous Treasurers are stepping down at the end of this school year, so we are looking for volunteers to take over the role. This is something that works really well when shared between several people rather than just one or two, so please do get in touch if you think you could be interested in helping us out. We're always very happy to provide more detailed information!
Second Hand Uniform - We are also looking for a fresh team of volunteers to project-manage our second hand uniform sales. This involves responding to email requests for specific items of clothing as well as coordinating the regular sales we hold after school. Please let us know if this is something you'd be interested in getting involved with.
Summer Fair 2020 - This year's Summer Fair will be held on Saturday 13 June. In the run-up to the event we would love some extra help with planning, sourcing raffle prizes, setting up the night before and on the morning of the fair. In fact, any time you can spare to make this a fabulous day for all our families would be amazing and we'd be very grateful for your help! Send us a message if you think you'd like to get involved.
FoBS Volunteers WhatsApp Group - If you think you might be able to spare a bit of time occasionally, even if it's only half an hour, why not join our Volunteers WhatsApp Group? Whenever we need people to lend a hand, be it helping to supply refreshments at a meeting or delivering leaflets to advertise our events, we post to the group and if you're available, you just let us know. No pressure! To join the group, simply reply to this email and include your name, child's name and class and your phone number.
Thanks for reading!